Welcome to the Envoy & Envoy 2 Page

Envoys in California are treated really special!
They enjoy their activities as much or even more than our sorority sisters.
Here are a few from the California 2018 State Convention. Their theme was "Backstage, led by chairmen, Al High and Chris McGee."
They had a hospitality room that featured on going card games and refreshments. They had a Rock Bottom Brewery Tour and Tasting on Saturday with lunch included.
Sunday breakfast was a "Jam Session," with lots of talking, joking, eating, and raffle drawings.

CA Convention Chairman

History of the Men's Coal Bucket
The Coal Bucket is the symbol of office for the Men's Convention Chairman. The bucket is passed to the new Men's Chairman at the Sunday Awards event. The new chairman gives a short speech on what the men can look forward to at the next convention.
The bucket is used to keep the stubs of the raffle tickets sold at convention. The raffle chairman then draws the winning ticket from the bucket during the Men's awards event.
New chairmen are asked to paint a logo on the bucket that represents their committee's theme. When the bucket is completely covered in logos, the bucket is to be sent to International where it will go into the history archives.
The Envoy Program
In 1983, many of our members requested a method for honoring men who were friends, helpers and advisors to them in their chapters or council activities. Men have been especially helpful with convention props, set ups and entertainment. The International Executive Council created the Envoy Program. This allows the members to thank those men who have been supportive, helpful and have encouraged Beta Sigma Phi efforts and activities.
To enroll a man, just complete the enrollment form that can be found on our home web page under the Download title. Or, telephone the Rushing Department at 816-444-6800. We only need the man's name, home address (if different from sponsor's) and $25.00 enrollment fee. After the Envoy is enrolled, the International Office will send an Envoy Pin, a certificate, an Envoy membership card and a copy of the Envoy Ritual. Chapters may then recognize and honor their Envoys in any manner, annually or more often each year. An appreciation banquet, a picnic or just a fun pot luck, the decision is up to the members.
The Envoy II Program
In 2006, many of our members requested a method for making their sons feel special since they were feeling left out. Boys could not become legacies of Beta Sigma Phi. Quite a few boys under the age of 18 tend to help the Beta Sigma Phi members in many various situations.
The International Executive Council created the Envoy II program. This allows the members to thank the young men who have been supportive, helpful and have encouraged Beta Sigma Phi efforts and activities.
To enroll a young man under the age of eighteen, just complete the enrollment form that can be found on our home web page located under the Download title. Or, telephone the Rushing Department at 816-444-6800. We only need the young man's name, home address (if different from sponsors) and $25.00 enrollment fee. After the Envoy II is enrolled, the International Office will send an Envoy II Pin, an Envoy II membership card and a copy of the Envoy II Ritual.
Chapters may then recognize their Envoy II in any manner, annually or more often each year. An appreciation banquet, a picnic or just a fun pot luck, the decision is up to the members.